The Children of Seth

Big Finish Lost Adventures (3.03), Dec. 2011

This story has a couple of somewhat unexpected twists with a man who wants power and those who would take it away from him.  It’s a bit transparent from the start as to the power grab going on.  Honor Blackman is fabulous as Anahita, trying to point out what’s going on to her husband, Byzan, the Emperor.  And Matt Addis is great as Albis as well, though I won’t say why so as not to ruin it.  And of course David Warner, who played the Doctor in the Unbound series, is great.

Tegan, Nyssa, and the Doctor get separated in stages and they each have a function in this story.  Plus the Doctor gets to play a bad guy!  Bringing out the dark side of the Doctor in this story, that’s for sure.  Liked that about it.  But the story was so predictable that I couldn’t rate it higher.  The acting and concepts just can’t carry it far enough to get 4 jelloids, though it’s close.  I like this story a lot but I just didn’t quite love it enough to give it 4 jelloids.

Peter Davison, Janet Fielding, Sarah Sutton (with Honor Blackman)

Writers: Christopher Bailey and Marc Platt

Director: Ken Bentley