The Macros

Big Finish Lost Adventure, Season 1, June 2010, #1.08

Strangely, I found this story not very 80s in atmosphere but it could be, with more 80s type of music.  This story could’ve been done in the current main Doctor adventure line or in the 80s, jumping back and forth between two worlds that may not exist.  The USS Eldridge ‘traps’ the TARDIS in its classic, Philadelphia experiment ending along with a micro-universe.  There’s a mysterious green mist/rust in the air and just two people who aren’t ghosts and a dictator ruling a world who wants more power.  But it’s all put together rather nicely!

My biggest question is once the USS Eldridge disintegrates, what power source do they have for the Capron Empire now?  A bit strange that it doesn’t all just disappear.  The extras on this CD are a fun listen, too.  This story also has nothing to do with the crab-link Macro aliens from the TV series, which was a bit strange.  And why they put a gag on Peri then willingly accept what she says after they take it off and the Doctor shows up?  I rather enjoyed this story, for the most part, but it has some quirks with the environment of the ship and the little empire.  Since when has moving back and forth from dimension to dimension been so traumatic and dramatic?  Lots of little quirks in this one but though it’s good, the ending’s a bit anticlimactic.

Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant

Writer: Ingrid Pitt and Tony Rudlin

Director: John Ainsworth