The Lost Adventures
There are at least two seasons planned so the Doctor whose lost adventures are released is indicated in the title. Enjoy!
Season 1, Sixth Doctor
Nighmare Fair (1.01) 

Mission to Magnus (1.02) 

Leviathan (1.03) 

Hollows of Time (1.04) 

Paradise 5 (1.05) 

Point of Entry (1.06) 

Song of Magaptera (1.07) 

The Macros (1.08) 

Season 2
First Doctor Box Set 

Second Doctor Box Set 

Thin Ice (2.03) 

Crime of the Century (2.04) 

Animal (2.05) 

Earth Aid (2.06) 

Season 3
The Elite (3.01) 

Hexagora (3.02) 

The Children of Seth (3.03) 

The Guardians of Prophecy (3.04)
Power Play (3.05)
The First Sontarans (3.06)
The Masters of Luxor (3.07)
The Rosemariners (3.08)
The Foe from the Future (3.09)
The Valley of Death (3.10)