The Council of War (#7.12)

  Big Finish, Companion Chronicles

This is the first Sergeant Benton story I’ve heard and unlike Mike Yates, Benton is a more straightforward military man without the “acting ability,” as he puts it, to be effective undercover. And it’s a really nice, though goofy story, of a planet named Kettering that is being farmed by the Blaterians. Benton and Margery Phipps, a council member, are transported to the planet for the trial of Margery Phipps. <see the question marks appear all over the place on that one>

So the Blaterians are intergalactic scavengers and bullies, to be sure. Big old bugs! The plot is fun but a bit goofy. Definitely left me scratching my head at moments. So it’s not bad but not fabulous. I enjoyed it but I can’t recommend it highly. Fun but odd. Unusual but good.

John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Sinead Keenan (Margery Phipps)

Writer: Simon Barnard and Paul Morris 

Director: Lisa Bowerman

Release: June 2013

© Laura Vilensky 2019