Big Finish Main Range
Wow, what an opening! I have to admit that this one started out gut-wrenching and a couple of crazy cliffhangers. This emerald tiger is sure a scary bad thing and Barnaby Edwards has written some new baddies that just don’t know when to stop. Venture into the jungles and you may never come back the same.
In the extras for this adventure, Barnaby Edwards speaks about his consideration of influences – The Jungle Book and the Tarzan series being two big ones. I think he should’ve included some H.P. Lovecraft in the mix as the emerald tiger and winged toad are something I could imagine coming to life in one of his stories, though this definitely isn’t as grotesque description-wise. This is an adventure story where the majority of the tale takes place during the travel towards the goal, while our heroes are making their way towards the heart of darkness (Conrad!) where the ultimate bad guy exists. There is a whole lot of menace present in this story and though there is one rather predictable resolution to a situation, it’s nicely done throughout. Though if the statue’s now moving, why doesn’t he get away? Thoroughly out of his mind by then? Hmmm. Other than a few minor head scratching seconds, I loved it!
Peter Davison, Sarah Sutton, Mark Strickson, Janet Fielding
Writer/Director: Barnaby Edwards
Release: April 2012